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  • Displays albums (directories) of images. IDS will create thumbnail images for JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and GIF images. It can be configured to display icons for any other type of file.

  • Web-based administrative interface allows you to:
    • edit IDS' preferences
    • upload, delete, rename, rotate, or caption images
    • create, rename, and caption albums
    • create, modify, or delete news items
    • view the size of and delete the image-cache
    • view IDS' logs
    • and more...

    Screenshots: 1 2 3 4

  • IDS uses HTML template sets called "themes." This allows you and, optionally, your visitors, to change the look of your site on the fly. You can create your own themes. The templates that ship with IDS are (mostly) compliant with the XHTML 1.0 standard.

  • Visitors can view IDS' controls in the language of their choice. Chinese, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Japanese, Nederlands, Slovak, Swedish and Romanian language files are included, and it is easy to add others.

  • Guests can search for images by filename and description.

  • IDS displays custom icons for albums.

  • You can nest albums inside of other albums if you wish.

  • The site title, headers, and footers can be modified in the site's preferences.

  • IDS can display descriptions of images or galleries if you provide them. These descriptions can include HTML.

  • Guests can view images at the resolution of their choice. For example, guests on slow connections might wish to view smaller images. IDS will cache resized images.
  • Guests can sort the contents of albums by name, date, size, or "intelligent sort." Intelligent sort will arrange items by the numbers buried in the files' names. For example, "image100.jpg" would come before "abc999.jpg".

  • Guests can leave comments for each image (this feature can be disabled or password protected). If you choose to do so, guests can be banned for using words you deem inappropriate.

  • Guests can easily order prints of your photos through Shutterfly if you choose to allow them to do so.

  • IDS will display the EXIF information embedded in some images files (often by digital cameras.)

  • You can use spaces, ampersands, apostrophes, and other "odd" characters in both album and image names.

  • You can rearrange the order in which items are displayed by prepending "#x_" (where "x" is a number) to an album or image name. The "#x_" won't be displayed.

  • You can adjust the size of thumbnail images generated by IDS.

  • You can adjust the quality (level of JPEG compression) of resized images generated by IDS.

  • You can adjust the number of images displayed per row on album pages.

  • You can adjust the number of rows per page on album pages.

Coming Soon:

  • Short-term:
    • I'm looking for someone willing to maintain IDS' documentation. I'd like to make it more useful by including things like tips and solutions to common problems.
  • Long-term:
    • A complete re-write of IDS is in progress.

Please send your suggestions to Ashley M. Kirchner.

Developers are always welcome. Please register at IDS' project site and sign up for the ids-devel listserv.