File List

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CREDITS lists people who contributed to IDS
README general info and usage instructions
admin/ contains admin script, preferences script, .htaccess file, and CSS
albums/ contains directories of your pictures
album-data/ contains album icons and description/comment files
ids.conf IDS' preferences (use the admin CGI to edit these) module containing shared functions
image-cache/ contains resized/thumbnail images (created automatically)
index.cgi the main IDS script
ids_styles.css cascading style sheet used by the standard templates
localizations/ contains IDS' language files
logs/ IDS' admin, comments, and error logs
postcomment/ contains the guest comments script, comment viewer script, words.txt, and banned_ip.txt script to pre-generate thumbnails and album icons
site_images/ contains images needed by IDS
site_news.txt news about your site (use the admin CGI to edit this file)
themes/ contains IDS' appearance templates upgrades the directory structure of IDS 0.41-0.52 installations to that used by IDS 0.8
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