
[IDS Logo]
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06/29/2002 IDS 0.82
  • Romanian localization
  • Fixed a Search bug when traversing symbolic links
    (Bruno Tavares <>)
  • Fixed Information Disclosure Vulnerability
    (isox <>)
  • Fixed Special Characters Encoding
    (Paul Delano <>)
  • Added Romanian Translation
    (Kovacs Andrei <>)
12/16/2001 IDS 0.81
  • Slovak, Swedish, and Japanese (partial) localizations
  • works with ImageMagick 5.40
  • popup menus work both with and without JavaScript
  • file upload should now work on Windows servers
  • more tolerance for corrupt images and non-standard data tags within images
  • revised IIS configuration script
7/29/2001 IDS 0.8
  • new themes (PhotoCorners and Mojave)
  • Chinese (HK) support included
  • improved navigation widgets
  • improved creation of album icons with "tall" images
  • prevents a potential DOS attack and a directory traversal exploit
  • improvements in the time taken to detect comments embedded in images
  • added ability to include a site description on the home page
  • IDS is now distributed under a BSD-style license
6/22/2001 IDS 0.711
  • Album icons are now correctly preserved across themes
  • Corrected a minor bug with the cookie's "path" variable
  • Corrected a bug with the sort by date function and images with embedded dates
6/14/2001 IDS 0.71
  • fixed problems with previous/next image icons and images with multiple periods in their names
  • fixed JavaScript bug that affected Netscape Communicator on image pages with the resize menu
  • improved fault tolerance with missing album icons
  • fixed bugs in the administrative interface
  • IDS cookies are now returned to just the originating site on a particular server
5/27/2001 IDS 0.7
  • Added support for internationalization (6 language files are provided)
  • Produces (mostly) XHTML 1.0 compliant code
  • Added support for themes (5 are provided)
  • Added more flexible support for non-image files
  • Stores album icons in PNG format (allows transparency, saves space). ImageMagick 5.3.1 or later is now required.
  • Caches image size data
  • Fixed a bug that prevented IDS from using symbolically linked albums
  • Added hitcounter for albums and images (will do more later)
  • Added a configurable filter for embedded comments
  • creates album icons, too
  • New logo
3/27/2001 IDS 0.6a
  • Fixed corrupted IDS stylesheet
  • IDS now works with ImageMagick 5.30
3/12/2001 IDS 0.6
  • Comment viewer script
  • Multiple sorting methods
  • Script to pre-generate preview (thumbnail) images (
  • Generates custom album thumbnails even if the images within are 2 or more levels deep
  • Lossless JPEG rotations if jpegtran is installed
  • Better-organized preferences
  • New directory structure (no IDS data files are stored in your "albums" directory)
  • Stronger error-checking and other code refinements. (IDS can now run under mod_perl.)
2/4/2001 IDS 0.52
  • Prints of JPEG images can be ordered through (this feature can be disabled)
  • New "zoom" icon and overlay algorithm
  • Several minor bugfixes and cosmetic improvements
12/03/2000 IDS 0.51
  • Albums now have custom icons
  • Images with comments are marked as such in album views
  • More code efficiency improvements from Randy Maas
  • Guest comments can be screened for prohibited words
  • Stylesheet no longer specifies absolute font sizes
  • More detailed logging
  • Several bug fixes
11/05/2000 IDS 0.5
  • Improved web-based administration
    • edit preferences
    • clear image cache
  • Guests can leave comments for each image (this can be disabled or password protected)
  • Log files
  • Streamlined code
    • reused functions moved to a shared module
    • code profiling resulted in 5-10% speed improvements
  • New sort function (for example, "3.jpg" now comes before "21.jpg")
  • Updated look
  • Easily customizable site title, headers, and footers
9/19/2000 IDS 0.41
  • Browser cookies are used to store your preferred image size and the date of your last visit
  • Resized images are now stored in the "image-cache" directory rather than in the same directory as the original images
  • Albums are broken into multiple pages depending on the values set in the preferences
  • The quality (JPEG compression level) at which resized images and thumbnails are stored can now be changed in the ids.conf file
  • Each album's modification date is displayed on that album's page
  • Modification dates are provided on items returned by the search engine
  • The "Location" information provided by the search engine is now a clickable link
  • Numerous improvments to the admin CGI, including image rotation and previous/next image links
9/5/2000 IDS 0.4
  • optional web-based administrative interface. This password-protected script can be used to:
    • upload, delete, rename, or caption images
    • create, rename, and caption albums
    • create, modify, or delete news items
  • real dynamic resizing of images. Scaled copies of images are saved to disk. Upload your originals and let your users pick the size image they are willing to download!
  • IDS' preferences are now stored in the "ids.conf" file.
  • search capability (filenames and descriptions)
  • updated look-and-feel (grayscale for better color reproduction in your photos).
  • upgraders beware:
    • only files ending in "_desc.txt" are recognized as description files
    • the format of the news file has changed significantly
    • the HTML templates have changed significantly and include new tags to take advantage of new features
8/4/2000 IDS 0.31
  • displays the EXIF data embedded in some JPEG images. Many digital cameras embed information such as the camera type, shutter speed, and aperature. This feature requires the Image::Info Perl module.
  • an exclude file (".exclude") can be placed in an album. Any files listed in the exclude file will not be displayed by IDS.
  • all of the image comments for a particular album can be placed in a single "album_desc.txt" file within that album. See the README for more information. (IDS is backwards compatible with the old comment scheme.)
  • the previous and next thumbnail images' names are displayed as just the image name (no filetype extension or "#xx_")
  • endusers can choose the size at which they'd like to view images. Note: this only changes the HTML image size tags, it doesn't create a smaller image.
  • fixed some HTML 4 compliance issues in the templates.
  • fixed a problem where the prev/next buttons would produce a loop
6/14/2000 IDS 0.3
  • allows files and directories to have names that include unusual characters like ampersands, apostrophes, and spaces.
  • strips off everything after "ignored tags:" in the comments embedded in images taken with some digital cameras. (ex: Kodak DC240 and Canon Powershot S20.)
  • no longer requires the Image::Size module.
  • new look for the HTML templates. Better compatibility with browsers that don't support CSS.
  • displays the total number of items in each album, rather than just the number of images.
  • list orders can be rearranged by prepending "#x_" (where "x" is a number) to an album or image name. The "#x_" won't be displayed.
  • made it easier to change preferences like the number of images per row, the thickness of the border around thumbnails, and whether or not a zoom icon is drawn.
5/12/2000 IDS 0.22
  • generates a new preview if an image is modified
  • allows renaming of the ids script
  • news and comment files can be HTML rather than plain text. Tags like <html> and <body> are stripped out.
  • IDS' variable tags in the HTML templates use the standard HTML <!-- comment --> format for better compatibility with some HTML editors
3/30/2000 IDS 0.21
  • fixed a bug with the display of files with two periods in their names
3/21/2000 IDS 0.2
  • added support for subdirectories within albums
  • added previous and next image thumbnails on image pages
  • if comments have been embedded in an image file (some digital cameras do this), they will be displayed in the image's "Comments:" box.
  • changed the HTML templates quite a bit to take advantage of new features (upgraders beware!)
  • fixed the incorrect link to my site at the bottom of every page
3/9/2000 IDS 0.1
  • first public release of IDS
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